Memory allocation in ASM

Currently I am working on a long arithmetic problem at the university. This problem is much more complicated than I described or than a task I shall be describing now, but here’s the thing: I needed some part of memory to be allocated from within my function. And I needed this to be done in assembly.

Thus, I created this piece of snippet code:

; void addition(int* x, int x_len, int* y, int y_len, int* &z, int* z_len);
global _Z8additionPiiS_iRS_S_

    enter 0, 0

    %define p_x [ebp + 8]
    %define x_len [ebp + 12]
    %define p_y [ebp + 16]
    %define y_len [ebp + 20]
    %define p_z [ebp + 24]
    %define p_z_len [ebp + 28]


    ; push x_len * 4 ; bytes to allocate
    push 3 * 4 ; bytes to allocate
    call malloc ; call malloc()
    add esp, 4 ; undo push
    mov edx, eax ; save returned address from malloc
    mov eax, p_z
    mov [eax], edx ; z = malloc(...)
    mov eax, p_z_len
    mov [eax], dword 3 ; *z_len = elements


    ; fill with sample values
    mov eax, p_z
    mov eax, [eax]
    add eax, 0 * 4
    mov [eax], dword 4

    ; mov eax, p_z
    add eax, 1 * 4
    mov [eax], dword 3

    ; mov eax, p_z
    ; add eax, 2 * 4
    add eax, 1 * 4
    mov [eax], dword 2


There are, however, a few really interesting things in this code:

  • naming of C++ functions, generated from assembly (name mangling)
  • memory allocation itself
  • returning data from function via pointers… in assembly!

To demonstrate how this stuff works, we need some C++ code which uses our assembly function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// our addition function for BIG integers
// arguments are as follows: number and its length; two first pairs are the operands
// and the last two arguments describe the returned big integer
// thus, the result is z = x + y
extern "C" void addition(int* x, int x_len, int* y, int y_len, int* &z, int* z_len);

// helper function to convert BIG integers to strings
char* bigint2str(int* x, int len) {
    char *res = (char*) malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char));

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        res[i] = x[i] + '0';

    res[len] = '\0';

    return res;

int main() {
    int* a = 0;
    int a_len = 0;

    // here we add nothing with nothing
    // and storing the result in a big integer `a`
    addition(0, 0, 0, 0, a, &a_len);

    printf("a = %s\n", bigint2str(a, a_len));

    return 0;

Comments in the code describe those moments which are important.

To compile these codes and link them into one executable, use these:

$ nasm -g -felf32 test.asm -o test_asm.o
$ g++ -g test.cpp -c -m32 -o test_c.o
$ g++ -g -m32 -o test test_asm.o test_c.o

Now, let’s talk about name mangling. It is really important. I shall not cover all the depths of this, only the parts, related to this article.

We see that our function,

void addition(int* x, int x_len, int* y, int y_len, int* &z, int* z_len);

is known as _Z8additionPiiS_iRS_S_ in the assembly code.

What’s the..? What are all these strange prefixes? - you might ask.

Here’s the convention:

  1. functions are named with the underscore and an uppercase letter
  2. function name’ length and the name itself follows that prefix
  3. arguments are stored as their types only

Argument type is encoded as well. For our example, we see these:

  1. Pi - that means, literally, pointer to integer
  2. i - that stands for integer
  3. S_ - that is the same as Pi, equal to signed integer, but for some reason (yes, I do not know why this happens) if you try to replace it with Pi, your function will not be found by a linker
  4. RS_ - this is a reference to a pointer to integer

To get know those conventions better, you might refer to g++ internals reference.

You can decode demangled (encoded) function names as well. Just use c++filt utility:

$ c++filt -n _Z8divisionPiiS_iRS_S_
division(int*, int, int*, int, int*&, int*)

‘til next time!